A little explanation of what I’m currently working on: I am continuing to work on the next part of Carbon. I think I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 pages done. There’s still a good amount I need to finish before Book 3 sees completion. I’d like to finish it by the end of the year, but that may be shooting for the moon, as the saying goes. I am also working on another graphic novel called Tin Man. It’s a young adult story about a Tin Man (y’know, like from The Wizard of Oz) and what happens to him after he gets a heart. It’s sort of a coming-of-age story about friendship, family and coping with loss. It’s been nice switching gears between the two projects, both in the writing and drawing of them. I get to write all the swears I can muster and draw boobs in Carbon, but have to keep all that “adult” stuff in check for Tin Man. But I get to draw cool stuff like airships and tin woodsmen. Hey, I’m a versatile guy. I think, ideally, working on a one-man anthology book would suit me best. I could work on a bunch of different continuing stories at the same time, in small chunks at a time. Hmmm…